Jobsworth Cops In A Work-to-Rule Society?

There are many ways to sabotage they way work is done.  Forty years ago we had ‘work to rules’ which could shut down workplaces pretty effectively without much other than overtime and bonus pay being lost.  Whilst I no supporter of strike action, I would say as a manager it was much easier to deal with than work to rule.  We should also remember that we have been ‘dociled’ into the management view on industrial action and totally failed in comparison with industrial  competitors to develop democratic-rational industrial relations.

Work to rules were often unofficial and I suspect UK police have been engaging in one for a very long time.  Gadget et al bleat on and on about health and safety and not being able to change a wheel on their motors, let alone for the despised MOP (Muppet Outside Police).  Such ‘rules’ were around 30 years ago.  We changed wheel for stranded people because we we were not such cunts as not to.  Our two fingers went up to management, not the public.  If the job was going to reprimand or sack us for doing it, then we lumped the uniform in a black bag and went back on the tools.  We just couldn’t stand being the kind of toad who jobsworthed.

If you look at the first and second ‘super reports’ into Baby Peter  Connelly, you find jobsworthing everywhere, including in the cover-up the first report oozes like a septic wound.  The second report recognises that Peter could have been saved if a decent individual had dealt with the first incident.  About two dozen people should be hanging their heads in shame, or preferably from piano wire.

Not far away, a 13 year old kid shot his pregnant sister with a cheap BB gun.  Her (shitbag idiot) 20-ish boyfriend beat the kid fairly badly to around minor sec 47 standards, eventually ringing cops and saying kid had shot sister with BB gun.  Lots of cops turned up and sat around doing nothing.  I should have charged for the tea.  It seemed none of them knew the family concerned, somewhat surprising given what previous officers have said about the criminal clowns.  Eventually, scum boyfriend and BB kid were both nicked, the latter taken to hospital by two cops, where they looked at him for several hours.  Scumo was back at the house after discharge, being noisy.  The kid went to his Nan’s.  Lots of resources tied up in this for a long time.  It was obvious the dealing officers were clueless (better  not say how I know).  30-odd years back, I’d have favoured one of Shijuro’s “Polish Solutions”, smacked the scumbag hard and broken the kid’s toy.  I’d really have written it up for summons and sent kid to hospital in ambulance.  There would have been no flush of coppers, only me.

A group of BBs (0.177 inches (4.5 mm) diameter...

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve seen a lot of stuff like this and worse of late.  The Baby P reports are full of it.  So are many IPPC clown cases.  I don’t believe this is red tape – I’m convinced it’s a much more serious collapse in integrity.  One might say it’s a load of balls.

Working to rule has specific meaning in industrial relations – it seems to me that much of our public sector has been handed this condition on a plate.  There is a solution to this time wasting, and as cops and others have only made matters worse and worse, it’s clear the solutions can’t come from the inside as officers across the board are scared to speak up. Cops starts on C4 next Monday at 9 p.m.   I imagine the farce will be detailed again, but hope some solutions are put forward.  The main solution is so obvious that failure to implement it should entail wide incompetence  sackings across constabularies and town halls.

8 thoughts on “Jobsworth Cops In A Work-to-Rule Society?

  1. Bring on The Cull. It would be a catastrophe if voluntary redundacies were allowed to dilute a great opportunity for wide incompetence sackings across constabularies and town halls.

  2. Off-topic apologies. One of the most loathsome postings I have seen on a police blog, complete with graphic horror of death, appeared today on 200 Weeks.
    “HE WON’T DO THAT AGAIN” is the scoffing comment from one very sick policeman.

  3. It’s very hard to get properly on-topic over this lot Melvin. I perhaps take a different view on some of the cruel humour, having lived with it. The blundering incompetence and cruelty inflicted by apparently normal people in these bureaucracies is very frightening. That so many of them can’t see what is happening is bad, and that many of them so easily hate criticism makes change almost impossible.

    My experience in shipyards and academe is that what talent there is leaves as the redundancy offers come. This leaves a crass rump of mortgage slaves, eventually getting promoted if the business doesn’t fail.

  4. ” Our two fingers went up to management, not the public. If the job was going to reprimand or sack us for doing it, then we lumped the uniform in a black bag and went back on the tools. We just couldn’t stand being the kind of toad who jobsworthed.”

    What changed? The job, or the people?

  5. I don’t think we were as scared of losing jobs, because jobs were easier to get. Whilst benefits are more prevalent, a lot of the safety bet of factory jobs and fall backs like taxi driving have gone. The issues are deeper than Julia’s question, but it exemplifies the kind of thing we should be asking.

  6. I thought about your comments about ‘the good old days’ while I was reading the report of the firemen standing by and doing nothing because they ‘weren’t properly water trained’ while a civilian did what he could and begged them for help.

    Will link to you when I write up my post on it.

  7. One of my first cop outings involved a house fire. My cranky, old fossil tutor constable ran straight in. He took a baby off a guy on the stairs. I tried to go up them, but couldn’t hack it (smoke). Partner collapsed next to me and I dragged him out. The civvie (a man with criminal convictions from next door) got two more kids out. We heard the others die as the fire brigade arrived. I just can’t imagine what has happened to allow this do nothing attitude and its defence.

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